Accessibilitat per a sords en transport públic i ofertes culturals

In Barcelona you can find places, activities and means of transport that favor the autonomy and inclusion of people with auditory deficit to our culture. Museums, theaters, exhibitions and public transport have systems to provide accessibility…

Dog friendly summer in Barcelona, city with pet friendly style

Barcelona, a city that favors the dog friendly environment Do you get to the city, do you have a pet and do not know where you can move? Quiet! Barcelona offers a variety of places, establishments and activities% 100 dog friendly. From beaches,…

Catalonia is also inclusive in summer

Catalonia collects a wide variety of summer schools for children, teenagers and young people with functional diversity. The inclusion and equality of opportunities of people with disabilities and functional diversity is a struggle that has…

Accessibility in terms of innovation and quality of life

Quvitec is committed to innovation in improving the accessibility and quality of life of its patients. Health professionals advise people with functional difficulties and value the spaces in their environment to provide accessibility and a life…

Integration and autonomy of the blind

The Metropolitan Transport of Barcelona (TMB) has adapted its facilities and notifications for the blind. The metro, the bus and the tram are an example of integration and autonomy for them. They have both aural and tactile help to facilitate…

Discovering the earth and space universe in summer with the family

In summer season we like to relax and enjoy the good weather accompanied by the family. Barcelona offers learning activities such as science and routes for hiking or cycling. It is perfect for a summer with your family! Science with the family Every…

Aliança per l’accessibilitat universal

El FC Barcelona, l’Obra Social la Caixa, l’empresa de geolocalització Mapp4All Universal Accessibility i el Districte de les Corts signen conjuntament un manifest d’aliança per l’accessibilitat universal amb la finalitat de millorar…

Mapp4all News

We currently have more than 80,000 establishments and we are in continuous growth. We invite you to be part of our platform. Download app: Android Download app: iOS You can consult the newsletter from here If you want more information,…

Human diversity

Human diversity is immense: gender, skin color, political tendencies, religious ... Human diversity is also related to accessibility. Diversity is related to the needs that people have to access an establishment, a service, a product, etc.…